About the Keweenaw Socialists

What would become the Keweenaw Socialists began in November of 2020 as a Discord server for leftist students to find each other on the Michigan Tech campus. As the server population grew it became clear that we had the ability and the desire to affect change in the Keweenaw Peninsula community and that an organized structure would be necessary. The Keweenaw Socialists was officially established in early August 2021 with the adoption of our Constitution. The Constitution is designed to be as horizontally structured as possible. All hierarchy is strictly justified, and power is always maintained by the democratic will of the membership.

Adminstrative Council

The Chair presides over meetings and prepares agendas for those meetings.
The Vice-Chair assists the Chair and performs the Chair's duties in their absence.
The Secretary distributes agendas, keeps meeting minutes, and keeps a roster of members and a document archive.
The Treasurer manages organization funds and collects dues.
Event Coordinator
The Event Coordinator plans, promotes, and puts on organization social events.
The Ombuds recieves, processes, and takes appropriate action to resolve grievances aired by members.


The Parliamentarian ensures meetings operate smoothly by following Robert's Rules of Order.
Sergeant at Arms
The Sergeant at Arms enforces the rules of the Parliamentarian and ensures the safety of meetings.
Press Secretary
The Press Secretary represents the organization to the public and prepares press releases.
The Liaison pursues and maintains relations between the Keweenaw Socialists and other organizations.


Committees are firmly defined organs established in the by-laws and inbued with certain authorities and duties to further the goals of the Keweenaw Socialists.
Action Groups
Action Groups are loosly defined organs that can be created ad hoc to carry out actions or perform activities.

The Keweenaw Socialists operate within lands which have historically, are currently, and will continue to be the homelands of the Anishinaabe Peoples. As an organization dedicated to the principles of environmental justice and the liberation of oppressed peoples, we have a responsibility to repair the damage done through the forceful dispossession of this land by historical and ongoing colonialist processes and to return proper stewardship to this land. Land Back.