Keweenaw Socialists Bulletin

Latest publications and statements from members of the Keweenaw Socialists.

Keweenaw Socialists Join as Supporters of the March on DNC Coalition


The Keweenaw Socialists have joined as a supporter of the March on the DNC 2024 Coalition to call upon the 2024 Democratic National Convention to Stand with Palestine and End U.S. Aid to Israel and to heed the demands of working class movements across the United States.

Honoring Abraham Lincoln Brigade Veterans in the Copper Country


On May 1st, 2024, International Workers Day, members of the Keweenaw Socialists made visits to the graves of two individuals who served in the Abraham Lincoln Brigades. Members left flowers and flags to honor the service of these men in defense of international socialism against the forces of fascism and reaction.

Statement on War with Iran

Keweenaw Socialists Administrative Council

The Keweenaw Socialists strongly oppose any escalation on the part of the United States of the conflict in and around occupied Palestine. Direct or proxy war with Iran is absolutely unacceptable. We stand in solidarity with Palestinian resistance and all other forces which are struggling against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

We continue to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the cessation of all military aid to Israel, and the resumption of all humanitarian aid to Palestinians. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

Copper Country Palestine Solidarity Petition


A letter in solidarity with the people of Palestine calling for an immediate ceasefire and for elected officials to act in furtherance of a ceasefire.

Resources on Palestine


Regularly updated list of resources on how you can help bring an end to the genocide of Palestinians.

Statement Retraction

Keweenaw Socialists Administrative Council

The Keweenaw Socialists have chosen to retract a public statement we made on October 8, 2023. We stand by the sentiment of the statement, that Palestinian armed resistance is justified in the face of Israeli armed oppression. At the same time, we condemn Hamas’ targeting of civilians, just as we condemn Israel’s targeting of civilians on an even larger scale. Furthermore, we refuse to equivocate between the two; Palestinian and Israeli blood alike is on the hands of the state of Israel, the cruel result of its cruel occupation of Palestine. This statement was made before the full scope of either the Hamas offensive or the Israeli counteroffensive was public, and our goal in retracting it is merely to avoid misinterpretation of our position, given the quickly-changing facts on the ground. For our position on the conflict as it stands, please refer to our most recent statement, released October 17, 2023. We remain committed to the cause of Palestinian liberation, and opposed to the imperial forces which hold Palestinians hostage in their own land and abroad.

Palestine Solidarity Statement

Keweenaw Socialists Administrative Council

The Keweenaw Socialists continue to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. We mourn the thousands of Palestinian and Israeli lives lost in the last week’s violence, the tragic result of decades of Israeli occupation and apartheid. We unequivocally condemn Israel’s disproportionate, genocidal siege and bombing of Gaza, which has already killed thousands of civilians. We also condemn the US and other governments which have allowed Israel to pursue this mass murder unchecked, and call on them to immediately pursue a ceasefire. But while a ceasefire would mitigate the worst of the current crisis, true liberation is not possible except by dismantling the systems which oppress the Palestinian people. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!