Resources on Palestine

Ways that you can help the Palestinian cause:

Contact your Representatives

Contact our federal prepresentatives here in the Copper Country and let them know that their constituents support an immediate ceasefire, allowing aid to enter Gaza, and an end to all military aid to Israel.

Jack Bergman

(202) 225-4735
Submit an Email Form
Senator Gary Peters
(202) 224-6221
Submit an Email Form
Senator Debbie Sabenow
(202) 224-4822
Submit an Email Form

Scripts for emails and phone calls can be found here from the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

Participate in Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

Boycott and encourage others to boycott Israeli businesses and businesses that support Israel and the IDF. Preasure institutions in your life to divest from Israeli companies. Learn more about BDS.

Sign the Local Petition

Sign our petition from residents of the Copper Country in solidarity with Palestinians calling on our municipal representatives to adopt resolutions in support of a ceasefire, and for our state and federal representatives to act in furtherance of a ceasefire. Sign the petition here.

Attend Demonstrations

Join us for weekly rallies in solidarity with Palestine every Tuesday at 5pm at Veteran's Memorial Park in Houghton.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Write letters to the editor to local newspapers expressing your solidarity with Palestine and encourage others to do the same. Letters to the Editor can be submitted to the Daily Mining Gazette here and to the Copper Beacon here.

Educate Yourself

Learn more about the Palestinian struggle and educate others. Good resources include Decolonize Palestine, the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, the BDS Movement, and Jewish Voice for Peace.