Keweenaw Socialists Projects and Initiatives

Sign up for our Email List or join our Discord to recieve regular updates on active projects!

Keweenaw Friends of Palestine

Holding weekly rallies in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their opposition to the on-going genocide being committed by Israel, and calling for an end to the continued military support of Israel by the United States. Rallies are held every Tuesday at 5pm in Veteran's Memorial Park in Houghton. Visit our Facebook or check out more ways you can support Palestine.
picture of a group of people demonstrating in support of palestine

picture of a group of people demonstrating in support of palestine

Keweenaw Socialists Quarterly

A quarterly publication writted by members of the Keweenaw Socialists covering leftist theory and its applications in the Keweenaw, local history, indignenous and labor activism, art, and more. Read it here.

Bazhiba'igan - The Spear

A journalism collective and publishing platform seeking to provide true and accurate reporting on local, state, national, and international happenings and be an advocate of indigenous liberation and the emanicpation of the working class in the Keweenaw and throughout the world. Browse the publication here.
emblem of bazhiga'igan, the spear

emblem of the annie clemenc people's library

Annie Clemenc People's Library

A collection of physical and digital books on leftist theory and history here in the Keweenaw. Browse the digital collection or request a physical copy here.

Supporting Keweenaw Queers

Supporting our local preeminent LGBTQIA+ rights organization in planning and executing Keweenaw Pridefest! Check out Keweenaw Pridefest here.
picture of small crowd of people in a gazebo attening a pride event

emblem of the keweenaw queers

Supporting Portage Lake Transit Advocacy

Supporting our local transit, pedestrian, and cyclist advocacy group. Check out PLTA on their Facebook, or join their Discord.

Supporter of the Keweenaw Tenants Union

Supporting our local tenants union in assisting local renters, educating them on their rights, connecting them with resources, and advocating for renters at the local level. Check out KTU on their Facebook, or join their Discord.
emblem of the keweenaw tenants union

picture of several books of leftist theory on a bookshelf

Book Club

A monthly reading group discussing various topics of leftist theory and history. Past themes have included Industrial Unions and Revolution, Third-Worldism and the Liberation of the Global South, Indigenous Liberation, and The Black Panthers.

Community Gardening

Coordinating strategic gardening in distributed plots throughout Houghton and Hancock and assisting those interested in getting involved. Sharing skills related to gardening and building relationship with local land owners and food growing organizations.
picture of several individuals posing with gardening equipment

picture of several individuals standing for an outdoor firearms safety class

Community Defense Education

Educating on the importance of community defense in the face of escalating armed right wing reaction across the country and combatting toxicly masculine gun culture. Teaching classes on safe handling of firearms, practical use of firearms for self defense, and maintenance and repair of firearms.

Food Recovery

A food recovery program to collect food from local businesses and farmers which would otherwise be thrown away and preparing and redistributing it to locals through food banks, free tables, and other means.
image of food on a table to be distributed