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picture of the grave of Frank Arvola
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picture of a group of people demonstrating in support of palestine
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picture of a group of individuals marching with a keweenaw socialists banner
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pciture of a group of individuals standing behind a table with a keweenaw socialists banner
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picture of four individuals next to a banner for socialism conference 2024
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picture of a group of individuals holding firearms in a gravel pit
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picture of several individuals posing with gardening equipment
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picture of a stone archway
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picture of a statue of a hammer and sickle made of snow

Who are we?

We are the Keweenaw Socialists, an organization of socialists, communists, anarchists, and leftists of every other stripe. We believe that a better world made by and for working people is both possible and necessary.

What do we do?

We are dedicated to promoting socialist ideas, engaging in mutual aid and disaster relief, and organizing community defense against the threats of fascism and white supremacy in the Keweenaw Peninsula community.


Events and News